by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Ask Pahl's Market, Market News, Resources
Exactly what is meant by semi shade or sun to shade and shade to sun? Thank you. Dear Jerri, There are many different definitions of sun, part sun, and shade. Add to that the different light conditions in each individual garden and you have a very confusing...
by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Caring for your Plants, Ask Pahl's Market, Market News, Resources
I have this fantastic poinsetta plant from Christmas that is still red and has a lot of new growth but I want it out of my house at least for the summer. What to do with it? Can I plant this in the garden? Does it like sun or shade? Thank you for your help. Dear...
by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Ask Pahl's Market, Market News, Resources
Dear Dee, During Fall when can watering of the shrubs and garden plants stop? Thank you. Jerri Dear Jerri, � All perennials, shrubs and trees should be watered regularly until the ground freezes. The rule of thumb is one inch of water a week. Watering until the...
by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Ask Pahl's Market, Market News, Resources
I noticed this spring that voles are creating “trails” along my fence line. What do you recommend to remove voles that is not harmful to children and pets? Dear Kevin, Voles, or field mice can damage lawns as well as shrubs and small trees. The easiest...
by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Resources, Ask Pahl's Market, Market News
I have got spiderwort all over my yard how do you get rid of it? it has taken over my back yard we have tried round up to kill it but it still comes back killed the grass we have dug them all up bye the roots for years and they still come back what can we do to get...