by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Ask Pahl's Market, Market News, Resources
Dear Dee, When can I start planting shrubs and trees? Planter Pat Dear Suzy Planter Pat, If you can dig it is a go. Once the frost is out of the ground it is safe to begin planting shrubs and/or trees. Sincerely Dee
by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Resources, Market News, Ask Pahl's Market
Dear Dee, My lawn really suffered during that long dry spell we had this summer. Is there anything I can do now to give it a fresh start next spring? Lackluster Lawn Louie Dear Louie, An application of fertilizer in late fall (late Oct.-early Nov.) is highly...
by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Ask Pahl's Market, Market News, Resources
Dear Dee, What can I plant right now? Suzy Spring Dear Suzy, Pansies are frost tolerant and cold hardy. They will survive a light snow. If nighttime temps drop to 36 degrees or lower make sure to bring your pansies in for the night. They can be put back out the...
by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Ask Pahl's Market, Market News, Resources
We have a couple of very large cottonwood trees in our yard. The roots are up above the grass in many areas and they are hard to mow around. I was wondering if we can plant flowers around them and if so, what would be the best way to do that? I guess we can’t...
by Pahl's Market | Mar 10, 2010 | Resources, Ask Pahl's Market, Market News
I mulched over the winter with leaves. I read that leaves are good for the soil, so should I leave them on the ground and them cover them with my wood chip mulch, or rake them out and dispose of them? Dear Janelle, You can top dress with wood chip mulch or remove the...