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A welcome addition to our salads of early spring greens, radishes offer us a splash of color and zest.  Although the radish root is 94 percent water and of modest nutritional value, it does provide a small amount of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium,...


The oldest member of the cabbage family, kale is among the earliest cultivated and was a favorite vegetable in ancient Rome.  It is a powerhouse vegetable, very rich in vitamins A, C, and the mineral calcium.  It is also high in the B vitamins.  Kale is the highest in...


One of the first offerings of the spring garden, rhubarb gives us its own unique taste and texture.  High in vitamins A and C and a variety of minerals, especially calcium, it is also believed to be a digestive aid and a blood purifier.  Its tartness increases with...
Dee’s Corner

Dee’s Corner

With this final week’s inclusion of a pie pumpkin, I thought it might be nice to have a selection of pumpkin recipes to offer you. They are all relatively easy. Pumpkin Hummus is a great seasonal snack, accompanied by fresh veggies, pita chips or crackers. If...