Dear Joyce,
I want to plant a mass grouping of canna’s, what annuals could I plant around them besides marigolds??
Cannas are such stately plants they can overwhelm any thing planted
with them. You might consider making your Canna bed a three tier
planting, with the Cannas in the center for height. In the middle
tier you could plant Argyranthemums (Marguerite Daisy) or Fresh Look
Celosia; these would provide interest at a medium height. The Spirit
Cleome would be another mid size plant that would add a burst of
textual interest and color contrast to the cannas. At the edges of
the bed consider adding low growing Petunias, Allysum or Quartz
Verbena for more color and texture. Varying the heights of the plants
surrounding your cannas will help draw the eye up to their impressive
height and bright blooms.
Good luck with your design- its always fun to try something different.