Showing all 14 results
Bypass Pruner 8 Bond Bloom
$14.99Add to cartAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistDramm Compact Pruner-Green
$24.99Add to cartAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistDramm Compact Pruner-Orange
$24.99Add to cartAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistPRUNER BYPASS ORANGE
$39.99Add to cartAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistPruner Bypass Bond 8 Pro
$14.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBypass Lopper Bond Mini
$9.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistHedge Shear Bond
$12.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBypass Lopper 24″ Bond
$24.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistDramm Compact Pruner-Red
$24.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistDramm Compact Pruner-Berry
$24.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistDramm Compact Pruner-Yellow
$24.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistDramm Compact Pruner-Blue
$24.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistPRUNER BYPASS RED
$39.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBYPASS MINI LOPPER 15″ ORBIT
$19.99Only Show HouseplantsCategoriesCategoriesSizeExposurePollinationColorsColorsHeightThriller Filler or SpillerDays to GerminationShapeBrandsPottery Height (in)Pottery Width (in)Container TypeHangingDrop DownRain Garden PlantGood for CuttingDrought ResistanceAttracts ButterfliesMoistfragrantdeer