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Canadian Hemlock
$99.99 Size: 5Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistCole’s Prostrate Canadian Hemlock
$99.99 Size: 3Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistGolden Duchess Eastern Hemlock
$69.99 Size: 2Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistGolden Duchess Eastern Hemlock
$119.99 Size: 5Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistGolden Duke Eastern Hemlock
$69.99 Size: 2Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistGolden Duke Eastern Hemlock
$119.99 Size: 5Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistJeddeloh Canadian Hemlock
$99.99 Size: 3Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistMoon Frost Canadian Hemlock
$109.99 Size: 3Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistWeeping Hemlock
$199.99 Size: 6Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistAlbospica Canadian Hemlock
$149.99 Size: 6Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistCanadian Hemlock
$199.99 Size: 15Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistCanadian Hemlock
$199.99 Size: 10Only Show HouseplantsCategoriesCategoriesSizeExposurePollinationColorsColorsHeightThriller Filler or SpillerDays to GerminationShapeBroad Upright(1)Compact/Pyramidal(2)Globed(1)Mounded(2)Spreading(2)Upright, Pyramidal(3)Weeping(1)BrandsPottery Height (in)Pottery Width (in)Container TypeHangingDrop DownRain Garden PlantGood for CuttingDrought ResistanceAttracts ButterfliesMoistfragrantdeer