Fairy Plants
Showing all 38 results
Olivia’s Friendship Plant
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistKay Kay’s Angel Vine
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistKellie’s Peperomia
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistKristy Lynn’s Pink Polka Dot
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistKristy Lynn’s Red Polka Dot
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistKristy Lynn’s White Polka Dot
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistLeo’s Scotch Moss
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistLyssa’S Dwarf Myrtle
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistMandi’s Irish Moss
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistNicholas’ Variegated Spider Plant
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistKatydid’s Baby’s Tears
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistRobbie’s Platt’s Black
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistRuby’s Burgundy Shamrock
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistSadiki’s Quetzal Coleus
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistSuzie Q’s Variegated Marjoram
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistSweet Ann’s Pilea
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistAyla’s Fairy Washboard
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBlain’s Watch Chain
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistHavana’s Tree of Stars
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistGawain’s Golden Japanese Stonecrop
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBambi’s Trailing Velvet Vine
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBelle’s Pink Cranesbill
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBrady’s Fancy Feathers Copper Coleus
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistChristina’s Lovebird Coleus
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistClaire’s Umbrella Plant
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistDana’s Turtle Vine
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistDeeDee’s Box Honeysuckle
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistDi’s Artillery Plant
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistEmmy’s Alpine Strawberry
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistAli’s Sensitive Plant
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistHarrison’s Blue Star Creeper
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistHolden’s Silver lace Fern
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistIris’ Flowering Maple
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistJack’s Bronze Dutch Clover
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistJamie’s Hawaiian Snow Bush
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistJenny’s Brazillian Red Hot
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistJimmy’s Aristotle Basil
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotRead moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistJoJo’s Fiberoptic Grass
$5.99 Size: 3.5" PotOnly Show HouseplantsCategoriesCategoriesSizeExposurePollinationColorsColorsHeightThriller Filler or SpillerShow allFiller(1)Days to GerminationShapeClump(1)Oval(1)Upright(1)BrandsPottery Height (in)Pottery Width (in)Container TypeHangingDrop DownRain Garden PlantGood for CuttingDrought ResistanceAttracts ButterfliesMoistfragrantdeer