The Zestar! Apple: A Crisp, Early-Season Favorite

by | Sep 5, 2024 | Market News

As the air starts to cool and the fall season begins its approach, apple lovers eagerly await the arrival of Zestar! apples. Developed by the University of Minnesota in the late 1990s, the Zestar! apple has quickly gained popularity for its vibrant flavor, crisp texture, and early harvest time, making it one of the first apples available each season.

The Zestar! apple is known for its remarkable balance of sweetness and tartness. With each bite, you’ll experience a juicy crunch followed by a burst of flavor. What sets Zestar! apart from many other early-season varieties is its hint of brown sugar undertone, giving it a distinct and satisfying taste. Its firmness and juiciness make it ideal for fresh eating, but it also holds up well in baking and cooking, adding depth to apple pies, sauces, and crisps.

Thanks to its firm texture and bright flavor, the Zestar! apple is perfect for a variety of culinary uses. Its crispness holds up well in salads, adding a satisfying crunch to mixed greens or fruit salads. When baked, it softens beautifully without becoming mushy, making it an excellent choice for apple pies, tarts, or turnovers. Its natural sweetness also reduces the need for added sugars in recipes, making it a healthier option for baking.

As the apple season kicks off, be sure to grab a few Zestar! apples to enjoy their refreshing flavor while they’re in season!


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