I will tell you the easiest way to cook corn. I shuck the ears and remove the remaining silk. Then I put cold water in a large kettle. I put the cobs of corn into the cold water so the corn is covered by water and then I bring the whole pot to a boil. When the water reaches a boil—the corn is done. Do not add salt to the water, as that will make the corn tough. If you want a little extra sweetness you can add a teaspoon of sugar as you put the corn in the water.
A second way to cook corn is to put cleaned corn into boiling water. If you do this you need to cook the corn 3 to 4 minutes in the boiling water. I personally think the first method is easier but both will give you delicious corn.
We have fresh picked corn coming in from our fields daily so stop by and enjoy the best of the summer!
I buy Fresh Sweet Corn from Pahl’s Market, turn the oven on to 350 degree. Place the corn on the rack of the oven. (Do Nothing to the corn). Let it bake for 20-25 minutes or until the husks are almost golden. Take the corn out…use oven mits to hold the corn and carefully peal back the husk layers one at a time to reveal the silk. Grab the silk at the top, slowly twist and pull off. All the silk should come off with one pull. Break the husks off. Season the corn with whatever you like and enjoy the plump (not water soaked) corn!