Another beautiful annual planting bed designed and installed by Pahl’s. This particular bed has limestone accent boulders along with low voltage landscape lighting so you can enjoy it anytime of the day. This project was installed at the intersection of county road 46 and foliage avenue. Right where Lakeville, Rosemount, & Apple Valley meet.
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Is is possible to provide me the plan, identifying plant names of the picture of March 31 2011 outcropping stones and annual plant bed in Lakeville?
Thank you,
Unfortunately, there was no plan for this particular planting. It was one of the many annual gardens created on the go by Pahl’s very own Beth Rau. The annuals in this garden are: Sedona Coleus, Tri Colored Geranium, Purple Fountain Grass, Tiger Eye Annual Rudbeckia, Orange Profusion Zinnia, Cardinal Light Blue Salvia, Red Potunia, Red Pillar Salvia, New Look Burgandy Celosia, Lucky Red Flame Lantana and Soprano Purple Osteospermum. You can find out more information on each of these annuals along with all of the plants we carry in our on-line plant library or feel free to stop in. Also, our Landscape Dept. offers installation and consultation services.