Yellow wax beans are crisp, succulent and firm, with a mellow, grassy, sweet and somewhat nutty flavor. They are nearly identical to green beans except for the color. The skin of yellow wax beans is somewhat thinner and more velvety.
To store, wrap wax beans in a dry paper towel and refrigerate in a plastic bag for up to 3 days. To prepare, rinse the beans under cold running water. Cut or snap off the pointy stem ends and remove any tough strings running along the length of the bean. To retain the beautiful color, place in a steamer basket and cook whole until tender, usually just a few minutes.
Yellow wax beans make a colorful side dish simply steamed and sautéed with butter or olive oil. In vegetable salads, they pair well with potatoes, beets, corn, and peas. Try combining them with green beans in your recipes-delicious!