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News From the Farmer

by | Aug 30, 2016 | CSA Member Updates, News from the Farmer

I can’t believe the 1st of September is just around the corner!  I enjoyed a day spent at the State Fair on Sunday and had a chance to visit the Horticulture Building, a must visit every time I go.  I enjoy marveling at all the wonderful produce that home gardeners grow and bring to display.  It is also a time to reflect, gather my thoughts and take a deep breath.  I was always told by my grandfather, an outspoken man, yet an amazing farmer and role model that shaped who I am today, that farming was in our blood.  I thoroughly enjoyed working on the farm as a kid, tending to the cows, baling hay, waking up early and always going to bed late.  Moving to the cities and going to school in the suburbs is very different than being on the farm.  When I started working for the Pahl brothers in July of 2008, I knew I had a chance to have that farm experience and excel in the lifestyle that I love more than life itself.  This journey has taken me so far, and waking up each morning and witnessing the journey from seed to harvest makes it all worthwhile.  I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.  Remember to always do what you love, and love what you do.  The true secret to happiness!

Have a wonderful farm share week!

-Cole Moldenhauer


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