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Harvest Highlights: Week 7 CSA News & Updates

by | Aug 20, 2024 | CSA Member Updates, Dee's Corner

Hello CSA Members, welcome to Week Seven!

As a CSA member, you will have the opportunity to visit the sweet corn field and pick 4 dozen ears, included in the cost of your CSA share. The Sweet Corn Pick is this Saturday, August 24th, from 9 AM to 3 PM. If you can’t make it, you can send someone in your place or order your sweet corn share for pickup here at Pahl’s Market (for a $5 harvesting fee) between Saturday, August 24th and Wednesday, August 28th.  All CSA members will also have the option to purchase additional cases of sweet corn (48 ears) for $15 each. Details for the Sweet Corn Pick are provided below, in this email only – harvest event details will not show on our website.

For those of you freezing corn… there is nothing quite like opening a bag of frozen sweet corn in the dead of winter, bringing back the flavors of sunshine and warmth. To help you capture that perfect taste, we’re sharing Grandma Pahl’s cherished sweet corn freezing recipe – a simple and time-tested method that preserves the flavor and sweetness just right. Follow her recipe, and you’ll be enjoying the taste of our farm’s freshest corn long after the season has passed!  Click here for recipe.

Quick note to Cottage Grove pick-up members: Please remember that this week only (Week 7), your share will be available for pick-up on Thursday, instead of Wednesday, due to their new cooler installation. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding!

Let’s dig into this week’s share…

This week, your share boxes will feature two new items: Leeks and Anaheim Peppers!

Leeks may look like giant onions, but their flavor is much milder and sweeter, especially when grilled. If you’re not familiar with leeks, try the Caramelized Grilled Leeks recipe – it’s a great introduction. Leeks also work well in vegetable shish kabobs.

Be sure to thoroughly clean your leeks before use. Use the white and tender light green parts and discard the tough dark green tops. Rinse the leek under running water, slice it lengthwise, and then cut it crosswise into half circles. Place the pieces in a bowl of water, swish them around, and drain. Repeat this process until you see no more sand or silt, leaving you with clean, shiny leeks ready for your recipes.

Anaheim peppers are a versatile and mildly spicy addition to your share boxes this week. They have a subtle heat that’s perfect for those who enjoy a bit of spice without overwhelming the dish. Anaheim peppers can be roasted, stuffed, or chopped up and added to salsas, soups, and stir-fries. Their slightly sweet flavor with a touch of heat makes them a great complement to many recipes. If you’re looking to try something new, consider roasting them to enhance their flavor, or use them as a milder alternative to jalapeños in your favorite dishes.

Savor the flavors of the season, Happy Cooking!


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