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Dee’s Corner

by | Sep 14, 2021 | CSA Member Updates, Dee's Corner

Greetings to each of our members,
We had such a great response from our members this past week to our offer of canning tomatoes. I have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to offer Brenda’s recipe for spaghetti sauce, and the time has arrived. Look for “Quad the Sauce!” in the Recipe posts. Allow an ample amount of time to prepare this, as it needs a good three hours to simmer and thicken. It’s so worth every minute spent, and your family will love it!

You’ll notice the first of our winter squash varieties is included in this week’s share. Spaghetti squash has a mild, sweet flavor and is a delicious side dish on its own. In the past, we’ve offered a selection of recipes featuring a variety of ingredients from chicken to ground beef to shrimp. To find these, look in the archives under the “Spaghetti Squash” post. This week, we wanted to explore some other options. The recipe for “Spaghetti Squash with Chickpeas and Kale” will help us use the kale in our shares, and it’s an excellent side dish to accompany pork or chicken.

Of all the recipes we’ve offered through the years, the rather simple one for potato pancakes has received the most responses. In fact, we still get comments on that one! It seems to strike a chord with many people, sharing their memories of how mom or grandma used to prepare them. The recipe for “Spaghetti Squash Fritters” is very similar in technique, and I hope you’ll enjoy these as well.

And yet another way to prepare spaghetti squash is as a dessert. Has that ever occurred to you? Since we have apples in our shares, I thought this might be fun to try. The scent of this one is amazing, and you may win over even those family members who are reluctant to try new creations.

Have a fun, creative share week, everyone!


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