Taking its name after a fishing village in Italy, the Chioggia Guardsmark beet is quite distinctive. When you slice into the center of it, you will be delighted to see the beautiful alternating light-red and white rings. Fascinating enough to entice even the pickiest of eaters! This beet variety has a lovely sweet taste which makes it a great candidate for salads and side dishes.
Beets are one of the most colorful, sweet and delicious vegetables to use, both cooked and raw, as well as in your favorite recipes. They contain generous portions of vitamin C, A, and the carotenes. Using beet greens will also give you high amounts of vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Beet greens are best used fresh. When storing for a short period, wrap them in a damp cloth or in a plastic bag in a refrigerator drawer. To keep the firmness of beet roots, cut off leaves and stems 1-2 inches above the crown. Store in a plastic bag and refrigerate in the hydrator drawer.