Showing all 12 results
Hourglass 40″ Granite Bench
$799.99Add to cartAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistDuck Onyx 3″ Assorted
$14.99Add to cartAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBasalt Rusted Slate Duck 6″
$52.99Add to cartAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistHedgehog Boulder 4″
$21.99Add to cartAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBasalt Rusted Slate Duck 4″
$39.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBasalt Rusted Slate Duck 8″
$69.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistBasalt Rusted Slate Duck 9″
$52.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistHedgehog Boulder 6″ Assorted
$32.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistHedgehog Boulder 8″ Assorted
$59.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistHedgehog Boulder 12″ Assorted
$149.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistCompass Granite Stone
$179.99Read moreAdd to WishlistAdd to WishlistYing Yang Granite Stone
$99.99Only Show HouseplantsCategoriesBenches(1)Decorative Hardgoods(11)CategoriesSizeExposurePollinationColorsColorsHeightThriller Filler or SpillerDays to GerminationShapeBrandsPottery Height (in)Pottery Width (in)Container TypeHangingDrop DownRain Garden PlantGood for CuttingDrought ResistanceAttracts ButterfliesMoistfragrantdeer