Feeling Hot Hot Hot

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

When July hits it reminds me of being a kid and thinking that summer is half over. Tough to believe that we burned through June this fast and we are already on to July.  June was an interesting month in that it has either been raining, cool, or scorching hot.  It...
Hey June

Hey June

Tough to believe that May went by that fast and a busy flower season has already come and gone. We ended an awesome month on a high note, that’s for sure, and by high note I mean the high temperatures we have been having! Temperatures over one hundred really make you...
Spring is Here!

Spring is Here!

Finally! We can officially say that spring is here. The temps are consistently rising and I even had to bust out the shorts the last few days. We have been getting a lot of questions about how this weather has affected our growing season but not too worry we have most...
April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April showers bring May flowers!  At least that’s what they claim but who knows what is going to happen this year.  I always like to look at the 7 day forecast each morning and see what the weather is like, mostly because I want to know if I should wear shorts or not....
Things are Heating Up!

Things are Heating Up!

Writing the March newsletter always gets me really excited for spring.  February is kind of the month that we knock the rust off and slowly start getting into our planting season.  Come March we are in full stride and things really start to take off inside our...